The Civitas University of Medan Area performs Eid al-Adha Prayer 1441 H together with the community around the environment of the University of Medan Area Campus I at the Taqwa Mosque Campus I Jl. Kolam No.1 Medan Estate on Friday 30 July 2020. Present was the Head of the Haji Agus Salim Education Foundation (YPHAS) Drs. H. M. Erwin Siregar MBA, Rector of the University of Medan Area Mr. Prof. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc and his staffs, Chairman of BKM Mr. Dr. Hasrat Efendi Samosir, MA and who acted as the preacher of Eid Al-Adha prayer were Dr. Hasanuddin MAg and the priest, Al-Hafiz M Nazri, S.Pd.I.
In the Eid Al-Adha Prayer Service, women from the At-Taqwa Mosque UMA implement health protocols according to government directives such as providing masks for Eid al-Adha Prayers, spraying disinfectants before the prayer, Hand Sanitizer at each entrance of the mosque, and washing hands. This year at the At-Taqwa Mosque the UMA sacrificed with 15 cattle and 15 goats
The Head of BKM said that the sacrifice meat was distributed as many as 750 packages to the qurban, internal UMA large family and the community around the campus, as a form of obedience to the commands of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, then as an attitude to emulate the sacrifice of the family of the Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalam.
While the preacher Dr. Hasanuddin MAg in his sermon said, the pilgrimage performed has a direct relationship with the Creator of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, while sacrificial worship is related to humans and the Creator. “Sacrifice is one of them to increase devotion to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala,” he said.
Hasanuddin hoped that the spirit of sacrifice would continue to be improved, especially during the Covid-19 epidemic, the community experienced financial difficulties, the number of employees laid off (layoffs), reduced purchasing power and loss of traders, and fears of Corona transmission.
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